Annual Meeting of Shareholders 2014 in PECC2

The Meeting took place in the presence of Mr. Cao Dat Khoa – Head of EVN’s Capital Management Board   , Mrs. Nguyen Thi Tam Huong – Member of EVN’s Human Resources Department, Mr. Pham Van Thao – Chairman and other  members of the Board of  Directors (BOD); Mr. Nguyen Chon Hung – member of BOD  cum Chief Executive Officer and other members of Directorates, Mrs. Trinh Thuy Quynh – Chief of  PECC2’s Supervisory Board and its members, along with 57 representatives of 782 PECC2’s shareholders.

Presidium of the Shareholder’s Meeting 2014

The meeting discussed and approved the important reports such as: the report of BOD and CEO on resolution performance of the annual Shareholder’s Meeting 2013, business results of 2013 and the plan of 2014, audited finance report; the report of Supervisory Board on the supervision result of 2013 and the plan of 2014, the plan of dividend distribution of 2013. The problems relating to the implementation of EPC of Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant and the selection of company for auditing and finance report, adjustment of revenue in 2014 are also mentioned in the meeting.

According to the reports, in 2013, although macroeconomics situation has been basically stable, inflation has been controlled, almost enterprises in general and PECC2 in particular faced up with many challenges and difficulties. However, thanks to sound and flexible direction  of Board of Directors, active and determined leadership of Directorates, all employees of PECC2 were encouraged to promote the solidarity spirit, collective brainpower,  the company had triumphed over the difficulties and achieved the mission of Shareholder’s Meeting 2013. The total revenue reached 112.4%, the before-tax profit was of 126%, and the dividend of 2013 is expected to be 20%.

Speaking at the Meeting, Mr. Pham Van Thao – Chairman and Mr. Nguyen Chon Hung – CEO of PECC2 frankly answered questions of shareholders on finance and capital investment of the Company and also reported the participation in the Consortium of EPC of Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant. This is great progress with many difficulties and challenges, but it is also the chance for PECC2 to promote brainpower and management competence for sustainable development.

The Chairman, Mr. Pham Van Thao, gave speech at the meeting

The annual Shareholder’s Meeting 2014 of PECC2 ended successfully after a responsible, active, and prompt working session. With the determination  and solidarity of BOD and Directorates and all employees of PECC2, the strong support from the shareholders, Vietnam Electricity, the confidence of local and foreign investors, qualified staffs and leaders, reasonable business strategies, it is PECC2’s confidence to overcome the challenges, reinforce strength to develop sustainably and bring about more profits to PECC2’s shareholders.

Here are some pictures at the Shareholder’s Meeting 2014:

Welcoming guests and shareholders

Representatives of shareholders listened to the reports of the Meeting

Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung – Representative of Shareholders gave question

100% shareholders approved the Resolution of the Meeting

Writer: Huy Thanh
Photographer: Huy Phong


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