Voluntary Blood Donation at PECC2

For the purpose of appealing the caring and sharing with the community of all employees of PECC2, the Youth Union of PECC2 and A2 launched the event  of “Voluntary Blood Donation” with the slogan: “Your red blood is other’s green hope”. This movement has enhanced the volutariness of the employees as well as the close relationships between 2 organizations.

105 employees registered to join in the event, in which there were 102 donation turns and gained 124 blood unit (1 unit blood is equal with 250ml). Especially, the whole family of Mr Huynh Hong Duc (the Chairman of Trade Union of A2) joined in the donation.

With this result, the Blood Donation event 2014 once again has reinforced the “mutual affection, mutual love” tradition of the employees and members of Youth Union of 2 organizations. This movement has enhanced not only the voluntariness of the Youth Union members, but also the solidarity of 2 organizations, joining hands together for the benefit of the community. It is hoped that through this Blood Donation movement 2014 with the message “Your red blood is other’s green hope”, more and more patients will be cured with the best blood units.

Here are some images on the Blood Donation Day:

The Youth Union members are supporting  the employers to fill in the form of personal information and health status

The employers of both organizations came early to join in the Blood Donation event

Doctor Nguyen Phuoc Bich Hanh  (on the left) was conducting the screening test for volunteers before the donation

Mr Nguyen Trong Nam – Chief Operating Officier of PECC2 (the first person on the left) joined in the donation

Mr. Nguyen Minh Ngoc – Deputy Director of A2 joined in the donation

The volunteers are patiently and happily waiting for their donation turn

The happiness of members in Youth union, the organizers of the event to join in the donation


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